Jan 10, 2022JellyfishCassiopea sp. (Upside-down Jellyfish), filmed in slow motion.A regular motion named "pulsing" was observed in this video. Stinging water is a common phenomenon that upside-down jellyfish made, in...
Jan 3, 2022JellyfishCotylorhiza tuberculata (Mediterranean Jellyfish/Fried-egg Jellyfish)Commonly found in the Mediterranean, Adriatic, and Aegean Seas. Yellowish-brown algae co-living in the center of the bell of jellyfish,...
Dec 27, 2021JellyfishAurelia aurita (Moon Jelly), filmed on slow motion.This is a mature moon jelly with a diameter nearly 30cm. There are at less 12 type of moon jelles on the earth, with slightly different...